Essay On Nature 500 Words | PDF
Essay On Nature In English
Essay On Nature 500 + Words (Download PDF) – Nature is full of beauty and prosperity. There should have eyes to see them because it is wisely said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. It can be seen that we are surrounded by the beauty of nature. If you look at the sky at night, you can see countless stars and the shining moon.

At sunset, an attractive golden view is seen below the eastern horizon. Purple shining on the western horizon is very captivating. If the sky is cloudy, we can enjoy the beauty of sailing clouds that look like a pile of woolen cloth. In the morning, we can see attractive dew drops hanging on the leaves of the grass.
Trees are a wonder of nature. Their green leaves and flowers provide a scene that has a great description of beauty. The snow-capped mountains, crystal-covered lakes, and blue sea waves are worth seeing. The beauty of roaring ravines and glaciers filled with snow is indescribable.
It is true that a man who lives according to the laws of nature not only leads a happy and disciplined life, but he is an asset to society. He is innocent and simple and lovable, as he has not mastered the craft of cunning, deceit, and duplicity.
Today, everyone has less time to enjoy nature. In the growing crowd, we have forgotten to enjoy nature and keep ourselves healthy. We have started using technology to keep the body fit. While it is absolutely true that nature can take care of us and stay fit forever. Many authors have praised the benefits of nature and its beauty in their writing. Nature has the ability that keeps our minds free from anxiety and prevents diseases. Our nature is constantly deteriorating due to technological progress in the life of mankind which needs a high level of awareness to be balanced and conserve our natural wealth.
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Nature has some transformative powers that change our environment accordingly and has the power to drive the patient out of his illness if he is provided with the necessary and pleasant environment. Nature is very important for people’s healthy life. So we need to preserve it for ourselves and for the next generation. We should not cut down trees and forests, we should not harm the sea, river, and ozone layer by our wrong actions, should not increase greenhouse gas due to our personal interests, and harm the environment.
Nature is a great teacher to educate us. No wonder our predecessors used nature to understand life. Our ancient texts are full of hymns dedicated to nature, as we have considered God as nature in many instances. Sun, moon, tree, river, etc. were all considered divine beings. We need to keep learning from nature.
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Many times during our holidays, we waste our entire day on TV, newspapers, and computer games, but we forget that something very interesting for us is in the lap of nature outside the door. Without any reason, we always keep all the lights in the house on. We use uninterrupted electricity that promotes global warming. Our other activities such as cutting trees and forests increase the amount of CO2 gas and cause global warming.
We should understand that not cut down trees and forests and prevent soil erosion, spoil the sea, and rivers, pierce the ozone layer and need to act selfishly. We all should know about our nature and try our best to keep nature and the environment clean. Pollution is dangerous for nature and human beings. To live a healthy and happy life, people must try to save our planet and prevent pollution. To keep the ecosystem in balance, we must practice cutting down trees and conserving energy and water and ultimately we are real users of nature so we should take care of it.
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FAQs. on Nature
What do you understand by nature?
Ans. We always respect nature. It is a natural cure to get patients treated for their illnesses. We should be planting around as much as possible so that environment should keep clean to be fresh.
How can we preserve the beauty of nature?
Ans. We should keep our environment clean. We should planting so that pollution could be reduced. Pollution is dangerous for nature and humans being. Living a healthy and happy life, people must try to save our planet and prevent pollution.