10 Line Essay

10 Lines on Ganga River in English for Kids and Students

10 Lines on the Ganga River

10 Lines on Ganga River: As we know that River Ganga is one of the longest rivers in India and it is one of the most holy rivers which starts from the mountains and passes through many parts of North India. Ganga River is home to many fish and helps many people to live.

But, the river is very dirty, with waste from factories and people hurting both human health and the river’s animals. The Government of India has started many plans to clean the river and make it healthy again. Let us begin with 10 sentences on the Ganga River.

Set (1) 10 Lines on Ganga River For Class 1, 2, 3, 4

1. River Ganges is the biggest and longest river in India.

2. Many people live near the river and use it for different things.

3. People wash and clean clothes in the river.

4. Some people also drink river water.

5. Many people have religious faith in the Ganga River.

6. The river is also home to many animals like fish and dolphins.

7. People think that the river is very holy.

8. There are many stories and tales about the river.

9. River Ganga is also a source of ideas for many poets and artists.

10. The Government of India is working to keep the river clean.


Set (2) 10 Lines on the Ganga River For Class 5, 6, 7

1. River Ganges is the longest river in India.

2. It is a part of India’s culture and history.

3. The river is very important to many people in India.

4. It begins from the mountains and ends at the sea.

5. Many people use the river for washing and drinking water.

6. The river is also used for moving and fishing.

7. The river Ganges is very sacred to the Hindus.

8. People think that washing in the river makes them pure.

9. This river is home to many water animals, including fish, turtles, and dolphins.

10. The Government of India is working to keep the river clean and to protect the animals living in it.


Set (3) 10 Lines on the Ganga River For Class 8, 9, 10

1. The Ganges River is the most holy river in India and has religious faith by millions of Hindus.

2. This river begins from the mountains and flows through many parts of northern India.

3. The Ganga River area is home to over 40% of India’s people and is one of the most crowded places in the world.

4. The river gives water for drinking, farming, and other things to more than 500 million people.

5. The Ganges River is also an important way to move and is used to carry goods and people.

6. The river has become very dirty over time because of factories, cities, and the waste of people.

7. The Government of India has started many programs to clean the river including the Namami Gange program.

8. The Ganges River is home to several kinds of water animals including the endangered Ganges river dolphin.

9. The river is also a source of ideas for poets, artists, and writers and has played an important role in Indian tradition, culture, and stories.

10. The river Ganga is a sign of pureness, godliness, and spirit and is a part of India’s culture and history.

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