10 Line Essay

10 Lines On Apple Tree For Students And Children

10 Lines On Apple Tree

10 Lines On Apple Tree: Apple trees are widely grown all over the world, they are not only beautiful but also beneficial for health. Its fruit is used in many dishes. Apple trees are grown in cool places, and they offer many health benefits. In this blog post, we will share ten lines on apple trees to understand their history, types, and uses.

Set (1) 10 Lines On Apple Tree

  1. The Apple tree is a small and deciduous fruit tree.
  2. It grows 3 to 12 meters tall depending on the variety
  3. The flowers of the apple tree are white and light pink in color.
  4. Apple trees produce fruit in autumn.
  5. The fruit on the apple tree is mainly of two colors: green and red.
  6. In India, the apple tree is mainly found in Jammu and Kashmir.
  7. China grows 49% of the world’s apples.
  8. Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruits.
  9. Apple also has religious significance in many countries.
  10. Apple trees are big if grown from seeds but small if grafted.


Set (2) 10 Lines On Apple Tree

  1. Apple tree (Malus pumila) is a member of the Rosaceae family.
  2. Its average height is 16 feet (5 meters).
  3. Standard apple trees can reach a height of 25-35 feet (7,5 – 10 m) or even more.
  4. Its widespread use is partly because the apple tree is very flexible.
  5. It can bear fruit even in temperatures as low as -22 degrees Fahrenheit (-30 degrees Celsius).
  6. Apple trees do not always require optimal conditions to thrive.
  7. Trees are popular for adapting to their local conditions.
  8. About half of the world’s apple production is in China, but apple trees are also cultivated in India, Australia, North and South America.
  9. Flowers bloom in spring and fruits ripen on shoots 2 or more years old.
  10. The average apple tree is capable of producing significant amounts of fruit from its third to sixth year of age.

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