10 Line Essay

10 Lines on Apple Fruit in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to 10

10 Lines on Apple Fruit

10 Lines on Apple Fruit in English for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 – Eating apple is very beneficial for us like keeps the heart healthy, helps in keeping teeth healthy, and white, reduces the risk of diabetes, beats constipation and diarrhea, good for weight loss. According to research, apples should not be eaten on an empty stomach as they can cause bloating and constipation. The best time to eat apples is in the morning, usually after breakfast. Let us know 10 sentences on apple.

Set (1) 10 Lines on Apple

1. Apple is a sweet and delicious fruit that contains small black colored seeds.

2. Apple is very beneficial for our health.

3. Apples are mainly available in the market during the winter season.

4. We can drink apple juice or cut it and eat it.

5. It is also a source of minerals and fibers which enhance digestion in humans.

6. Apples are mainly red in colour, but some forms are also found in green.

7. The maximum production of apples in India is in Jammu and Kashmir.

8. Doctors often advise everyone to eat an apple a day.

9. Iron is found in abundance in apples.

10. Apples are calorie-rich which is beneficial for ensuring better health.


Set (2) 10 Lines on Apple

1. Apples are among the most delicious and nutritious fruits. People all over the world love to eat this sweet fruit.

2. Globally there are two colors of apple which are red and green which are mainly preferred for their sweet and delicious taste and nutrients present in them.

3. Apple is also helpful in reducing weight. People who want to reduce their weight should consume apples daily.

4. According to doctors, apples are beneficial for heart health, it helps in reducing the risk of heart disease.

5. Apples have small black-colored seeds and using these seeds one can successfully grow an apple tree.

6. Apple fruits are very tasty and sweet, but according to experts, their seeds are poisonous and their consumption can be fatal.

7. Apples grow better in cold areas, so there are many apple orchards in hilly areas like Kashmir, and Himachal.

8. The prices of apple fruits are reasonable and budget-friendly. So most people can buy and consume it.

9. Apple juice is very tasty, using a simple blender, anyone can make apple juice easily.

10. Apple is beneficial for our health, so doctors advise us to eat one apple daily.


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Q&A. on Apple Fruit

What are the benefits of eating apples?

Answer – Eating apples is very beneficial for us like keeps the heart healthy, helps in keeping teeth healthy and white, reduces the risk of diabetes, beats constipation and diarrhea, good for weight loss.

Are apples good for the skin?

Answer – Apples are great for maintaining healthy skin and hair as they contain vitamins C and B. Can actually help strengthen hair, and nails and speed up skin cell production.

When is the best time to eat apples?

Answer – According to research, apples should not be eaten on an empty stomach as it can cause bloating and constipation. The best time to eat apples is in the morning, usually after breakfast.

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