10 Few Sentences of Papaya For Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to 10
10 Few Sentences of Papaya
10 Few Sentences of Papaya essay for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Papaya is very attractive to look at, as well as the ripe fruit is yellow in appearance and tasty to eat. It is an excellent source full of vitamins that are beneficial for the body in many ways. Let us know some more features of it in 10 lines on papaya.
Set (1) 10 Few Sentences of Papaya
1. Papaya is a large plant like a tree and it is usually without branches.
2. Papaya stem does not have much wood and remains green and soft till its death.
3. Its stem is 5 to 10 meters long, above which all the leaves are.
4. Papaya leaves are large and 50-70 cm wide.
5. Its fruit is usually oval to almost round and in some cases, looks like a large pear.
6. Its fruits are 15-50 cm long and 10-20 cm wide, and they can weigh up to 9 kg.
7. The peel of papaya fruit is thin and hard.
8. The peel of its unripe fruit is green and turns yellow in ripe fruits.
9. In the ripe fruit of papaya, the pulp is yellow, pink, orange, and also light red.
10. Papaya fruit has many small black seeds inside.
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Set (2) 10 Lines on Papaya
1. Papaya is rich in iron and calcium.
2. It is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and riboflavin.
3. The peel and seeds of ripe papaya are removed and eaten fresh.
4. Papaya fruits are cut into small pieces for salad and mixed with other fruits.
5. Papaya fruit is sweet and tasty to eat.
6. Extracting papaya juice, peel, and seeds is very much preferred in tropical regions.
7. The color of raw papaya is green and the color of ripe papaya is yellow.
8. Raw papayas are eaten in salads, curries, and soups in some Asian countries.
9. Green papaya is also consumed as a vegetable.
10. Papaya seeds are a great alternative to black pepper and have a tangy taste.
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Q&A. on Papaya
How do you describe papaya fruit?
Answer – It is a tropical fruit, which is oval or pear-shaped, its fruit is between 10 and 20 cm and usually weighs between 1 to 2 kg, although it can be more could. It is green, yellow and orange in color. Its pulp is sweet and very juicy.
What type of tree is papaya?
Answer – Papaya is present in tropical and sub-tropical regions all over the world. This single-trunked large, short-lived perennial plant can reach 30 feet or 9 meters.
How long does papaya grow?
Answer – A papaya tree can produce up to 100 fruits per growing season. Its plants start flowering in the third to the fourth month, which takes seven to nine months in hot weather and 9 to 11 months in cold weather.