10 Line Essay

Some 10 Lines on Melting of Antarctica

Some 10 Lines on Melting of Antarctica

Some 10 Lines on Melting of Antarctica | Antarctica is a vast ice-covered continent that looks as white as silver in appearance. Its beauty is enhanced even more by the white mountains. But in today’s time, due to its melting, many problems can arise on the earth. So let’s know what is the reason for its melting and how can we stop it.

Set (1) Some 10 Lines on Melting of Antarctica

1. Today, about 10% of the land area on Earth is covered by ice, with about 90% in Antarctica, and the remaining 10% in the Greenland ice cap.

2. Many glaciers around the world have been melting rapidly since the early 1900s.

3. Rapid melting of ice in Greenland and Antarctica also affects ocean currents.

4. Huge amounts of extremely cold ice water enter warm ocean waters, slowing ocean currents. Due to this as the ice on the land melts, the sea level will also continue to rise.

5. Human activities are behind the phenomenon of deterioration of this ecosystem.

6. In the few decades since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have raised temperatures at the poles, causing glaciers to melt faster.

7. Even if we significantly curb emissions in the future, more than a third of the world’s remaining glaciers will melt before 2100.

8. When it comes to sea ice, 95% of the thickest and oldest ice in the Arctic is already gone.

9. Scientists predict that ocean and air temperatures are rising rapidly and if emissions continue to rise unchecked, the Arctic could become ice-free in the summer of 2040.

10. Melting glaciers cause sea level rise which increases coastal erosion and also increases storm surge in the form of warm air.

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Set (2) Some 10 Lines on Melting of Antarctica

1. The ice mountain of Antarctica contains about 30 million cubic kilometers of ice.

2. It is the single largest mass of ice on Earth, and most of the ice is present on the land.

3. This means that if this ice melts, the sea level will rise.

4. A study has found that if climate change continues due to continued emissions of greenhouse gases, the process of melting ice in Antarctica may start.

5. If adequate steps are not taken to reduce human-caused greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, warming is likely to exceed 2 °C above pre-industrial levels within a century.

6. Thus warming and the associated warming of the oceans will melt many of Antarctica’s coastal ice.

7. Without the world’s support, most of the Antarctic ice sheet would become unstable and begin the process of sliding and melting.

8. According to almost all possible future pollution scenarios used in one study, the long-term rise in sea level had exceeded 1 m.

9. There was no sudden rise in sea level that human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are believed to be responsible for.

10. There has been a steady reduction in carbon dioxide emissions since 2020 and a 40% reduction in methane emissions

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