Moral Stories In English For Kids For Class 1 to 10 | PDF
Moral Stories In English For Kids
Best 5 Moral Stories In English For Kids (Download PDF) for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Many stories we read in books and newspapers every day, but only a few stories having some motivation by which we can learn something to adopt in our life.

1. Greedy bird – moral stories in English for kids
A large group of birds lived in a forest. All birds used to go out in search of food every morning. The King of Birds kept telling the birds that whatever food they see, they will come and tell the rest of their companions, and then all Birds will eat granules together. Thus all the birds of that party used to get plenty of food.
One day a bird flew far enough away in search of food. Came to the path outside the forest, by this way used to carry sacks of grains in the trains. On the way, a lot of food grains fell from the vehicles and were scattered on the road.
The bird was very happy to see grains full of vehicles. Because now he did not need to find any other place. A train full of food used to pass through here every day. And grains used to be used every day even on the road. The bird got greedy in his mind.
She thought that she would not tell anyone about that place and would come and eat food in a similar way every day.
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That evening, when the bird returned to her party, the rest of her companions asked why she was late. The bird also told a unique story that she has somehow come to save her life. So many vehicles pass through that road. The path is difficult to cross. The rest of the birds got scared on hearing this and decided to not go near the road.
The same bird gets fed on the same path. One day the bird was eating food sitting on the road. He was so happy to eat that she could not hear the sound of the car coming toward her.
The car was also moving fast and the bird was happy to swallow. Then the car arrived and the wheel of the car overtook, crushing the bird. Thus got caught in his own web.
Moral – Greed is a bad problem. Never be greedy.
2. Wealth of satisfaction – moral stories in English for kids
Priest Shri Karamchandra lived with his wife outside the city. When he was going to teach his students. So his wife asked him how food would be made at home today. Because there is only a handful of rice in the house. The priest looked at his wife with one eye. Then he left the house without any answer.
When I returned back in the evening, I saw some boiled rice and leaves on the plate during the meal. Seeing this, he told his wife. This delicious herb is what it is made of.
When I asked you about food on your way in the morning, your eyesight went towards the tamarind tree. I made this herb from the same leaves. The priest said with great uncertainty. If the flavor of tamarind leaves is so delicious, then we have no need to worry.
Now we have no worry about food. When the king of the city came to know about the poverty of the Priest. The king offered the Priest to come and live in the city. But Priest refused. The king was surprised and went to meet himself in his hut and wished to know the reason for this.
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When the king went to his hut. The king talked about it for a long time, but he was confused about how to ask his question. But then he dared to ask Priest that there is no lack of anything. Priest laughingly said that my wife only knows this.
On this, the king turned toward the wife and asked her the same question. So the wife of the Priest replied that I am not lacking any kind at this time because my clothes are not torn so much that they cannot be worn, and the water pot does not burst at all so that water cannot come in it.
After this, as long as I have bangles on my hands, what can be the feeling of anything and then satisfaction is allowed even in limited means, then life can be joyful.
Moral – satisfaction is wealth.
3. Thirst for knowledge – moral stories in English for kids
In those days, Akash Mishra was a judge of the High Court. He had a great interest in learning languages, and because of his passion, he had learned many languages. But had not yet learned the Bangla language.
In the end. He figured out a solution and started shaving a Bengali shalloon. As long as Barbar shaves them. He kept learning the Bangla language from him.
Mishra’s wife felt this bad. She told her husband. You learn a language from a high court judge. Will anyone be respected if they see it? If you want to learn Bengali, learn from a scholar.
Mishra answered with a laugh. I am thirsty for knowledge, what do I have to do with caste. Hearing the answer, the wife said nothing again. Knowledge does not remain locked in any plate of high and low.
Moral – Learning should be taken from anywhere.
4. Greed Bitter Fruit – moral stories in English for kids
A Brahmin named Dayaram used to reside in a city. His farming was simple. Most of the time he was left empty.
Once in the summer, the same way, he was lying in the cool shade of the tree. He slept, he saw the hole of a snake near him. The snake was sitting on the spread.
Seeing him, Brahmin began to think that there is no God in my region. I never worshiped it. I will definitely worship it today. As soon as this idea came to mind. He brought milk from somewhere.
He placed it in an earthen pot and spoke near the bill. To date, I did not know about you. Therefore, I could not offer any kind of worship. Please forgive me for this crime and please enrich me with money.
In this way, after praying, he kept that milk and then returned to his home. The next day, when he came to his farm in the morning, he first went to the same place. There he saw the pot in which he had kept milk. A gold currency is kept in it.
He took that currency. That day too he did the same type of worship and went with milk for him. The next day he got a gold currency again in the morning. In this way, he would always do worship and get the currency every day.
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After a few days, he had to go to another village for some work. He instructed his son to keep milk at that place. Accordingly, his son went that day and kept milk there.
The next day when he went again to keep milk, he saw that the currency is kept there. He lifted that currency and he started thinking in his mind that there is definitely a stock of gold currencies inside this hole.
As soon as this idea came to mind, he decided that the hole should be taken by himself and take all the currencies. But when the snake came out to drink milk, he hit a stick on his head. In this way, he got angry and bit the son with his teeth that he died. It is also said that the fruit of greed is never sweet
Moral – Greed is never sweet.
5. Knowledge or wisdom – moral stories in English for kids
A farmer had four sons. There was a close friendship between them. Three of the four were proficient in the scriptures. But he had a sense of wisdom. The fourth did not study the scriptures, but he was very intelligent.
Once the four brothers went to the city and thought of earning money from the influence of their own learning. Walked towards the four east countries. On the way, the eldest brother said that our younger brother is illiterate.
The king always greets a learned man. Nothing gets from just intelligence. We will not give anything out of the money we earn on the strength of knowledge. The second brother had the same idea. But the third brother opposed him.
He said that we stayed together since childhood. Therefore it is not appropriate to leave it alone. We will also give some part of our earnings to it. The younger brother also stayed with him.
There was a dense forest on the way. There was a bone claw in one place. Seeing him, he decided to test his learning. One of them collected the bones correctly in one place. Actually, it was a dead lion.
Secondly, with great skill, he gave flesh and skin color to the bones. Blood was also circulated in it. The third one was about to revive him his younger brother said stopping him.
If you make it alive with your knowledge, then it will kill all of us. The third brother said you are foolish. I will definitely use my knowledge and see the fruits of it. The younger brother said, then wait for a while, and let me climb on the tree.
The third brother revives the lion with his knowledge and the lion broke down on them. He killed all three and went away. After the lion left, the fourth brother came down from the tree and returned home crying. That is why wisdom is superior to learning
Moral – Wisdom is superior to knowledge.
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