Small Story In English For Kids For Class 1 to 10 | PDF
Best 5 Small Story In English For Kids
Best 5 Small Story In English For Kids (Download PDF) for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Best five stories that are inspirational and motivational for kids and students have been given below. We are sure that you would like to read it.

1. Face trouble – Small story in English for kids
A herd of buffaloes was roaming in the forest. Then a calf asked. “Dad, is there anything in this forest that needs to be scared?”
“Just beware of the lions …” Buffalo said
Yes, I have also heard that lions are very dangerous. If I ever see a lion, I will run as fast as I can. “Calf said”
“No, you can’t do anything worse,” Buffalo said
The calf found this strange thing. He said, “Why are they dangerous?” If a lion can kill me, why don’t I run away and save my life?
Buffalo began to explain. If you run then the lion will chase you. While running lions can easily attack you on your back, and can knock you down, and once you fall, consider death assure.
What should I do in such a situation? Asked in panic.
If you ever see a lion, stand firmly in your place, and show that you are not scared at all, and if he does not go, show him your sharp horn and knock the hooves on the ground. If the lion does not go even then, slowly move towards him and in the end, attack him with full force.
“Buffalo explained seriously”
This is crazy. There is a lot of danger in doing this. If the lion overturned and attacked me? The calf said getting angry.
Son, look around you. The buffalo said.
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The calf began to roam a little. There was a big herd of powerful buffalo around him. If you ever get scared then remember that we are all with you. If you run away instead of facing trouble then we will not be able to save you. But if you show courage and fight trouble, then we will stand right behind you for help.
The calf took a deep breath and thanked his father for this.
Moral – We all have lions in our lives. From whom we are afraid, which wants to force us to give up on fleeing. But if we run then it follows us. It makes it difficult for us to live. So face those problems, show them that you are not afraid of them. Show how powerful you really are, and with full courage, you will fall back on them, and when you do this, you will find that your family and friends are standing behind you with full force.
2. The biggest problem – Small stories in English for kids
Once upon a time. A great learned Priest lived somewhere in the hills of the Himalayas. He tired of living among people and now decided to lead a simple life in devotion. But his fame was so much that people wanted to meet him even after crossing inaccessible hills, active paths, and river springs.
He believed that this scholar could solve his every problem. But this time too, some people came to his hut looking for him. The priest asked him to wait.
Three days had passed by. Now many more people have reached there. When there was less space for the people, then Priest said. Today I will answer all your questions, but you have to promise that after leaving here, you will not tell anyone else about this place so that after today I can do my sadhana in solitude.
Let us explain our problems. On hearing this, someone started telling him his problems, but he had just been able to say a few words that someone else started saying his words in the middle.
Everyone knew that after today they will never get a chance to talk to Priest. So they all wanted to have their words as soon as possible. In a while, the scene there became like a fish market,
In the end. The priest had to scream and speak. Keep Calm down. Write your problem on a slip and give it to me.
Everyone wrote their own problem and moved forward. The priest took all the slips, put them in a basket, and mixed them. And said, keep this basket with each other.
Every person will pick up a slip and read it. After that, I have to decide whether he wants to replace his problem with this problem. Every person would pick up a form. He reads it and gets scared.
One by one everyone saw the written slips and no one was ready to take someone else’s problem in exchange for their problem. Everyone had to think that no matter how big their own problem is, the problem of the other people is not as serious.
After an hour, everyone returned with his slip in his hand. He was happy that his problem was not that big either. As much as they used to think.
Moral We feel that the biggest problem is ours, but know that people in this world have such a big problem that we have nothing in front of them, so whatever God has given. Be happy in that and try to live a happy life.
3. King’s Examination – Small story in English for kids
The fame of Kabir Das who had a simple life and a high opinion spread far and wide. And Raja Veer Singh of Banaras was also one of the devotees of Kabir Das.
Whenever Kabirdas went to meet the king, the king himself would sit at the feet of Kabir Das, and put him on the throne.
One day Kabirdas thought that Veer Singh should be tested. Is he really such a great devotee? As much as they can be seen by behavior or just showing off.
The very next day, a cobbler and a female devotee who had previously been a prostitute started chanting Rama’s name in the markets of Banaras, and together they held two bottles in their hand, which contained colored water. There seemed to be alcohol in the look.
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By doing this Kabirdas gave his enemies a chance to point fingers at him. He started protesting across the city and the news of his wandering in the city with a cobbler and a prostitute in his hand also reached the king.
After some time Kabir Das reached the royal court as per the plan. The king was already angry with his behavior. Seeing him this time did not even rise from his throne.
Kabirdas immediately understood that the king is just like the common people. He immediately slammed both the bottles on the ground. Seeing them doing this, the king thought that an alcoholic could never slam a bottle of liquor in this way. There is definitely something else in the bottles.
The king immediately got up and left the cobbler that came with Kabir Das and asked him. What is all this?
Shoemaker said. Hey Maharaj, you do not know the Jagannath temple is on fire. And Sant Kabir Das is extinguishing the fire with the water-filled in these bottles.
The king took note of the day and time of this incident and later sent an envoy to the Jagannath temple to find out the truth of the matter. People living near the temple confirmed that there was a fire in the temple on the same day and time. Which was extinguished.
When the king came to know of this truth, he regretted his behavior and the faith in Sant Kabir Das became even more.
4. Closed Fist – Open Fist – Small story in English for kids
A man had two sons. Ram and Shyam both were real brothers but opposite to each other. Where Ram was very stingy, Shyam had a habit of extravagance.
The wives of both were also troubled by this habit of theirs. The family made a lot of efforts to convince both of them, but Ram does not give up his miser nor does Shyam.
Once near the village, a sage Mahatma arrived. The old father thought why not ask him to solve this problem, and reached Mahatma the very next day.
Mahatma listened carefully to him and asked to bring the two sons the next day. Father arrived with their sons on time.
Mahatma said while turning his closed hands in front of the sons. Tell me, how will it feel if my hand remains like this forever.
The son said that in such a situation, it would feel as if you have leprosy. How would it feel if my hands are like this forever? Mahatma while showing his outstretched palms, asked, even then you will feel that you have leprosy.
Then Mahatma said seriously. This is what I want to explain to you, sons. Always keeping your fist closed means stinging or always keeping your palm open means extravagance. There is only one kind of code.
Always keeping a fist closed is rich even though it is poor, and always someone who is keeping a fist open does not think it to be poor. This is the behavior that sometimes the fist is closed, sometimes it is open only then the balance of life remain.
The son had understood the talk of Mahatma. Now he decided to spend it only after thinking his mind.
5. Greatest Guru – Small story in English for kids
Guru Dronacharya was the guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas. Used to give them knowledge of archery. One day Eklavya, who belonged to a poor family went to Dronacharya and said that Gurudev I too have to get knowledge of archery. You are requested to impart knowledge of archery by making me your disciple as well.
But Dronacharya told Ekalavya his system and said that he should get an education from some other guru. Hearing this, Eklavya left from there.
Long after this incident, Arjun and Dronacharya went to the forest for hunting. He also had a dog with them. The dog suddenly barked at a place while running. He continued to bark for a long time and then suddenly stopped indulging.
Arjun and Gurudev found this strange and headed towards the place from where the dog was barking. What he saw when he went there was an incredible event.
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Someone had closed the dog’s mouth through the arrows without hurting the dog. He could not even dabble at will. Seeing this, Dronacharya went to the place and started thinking that I have not been given the knowledge to shoot arrows so efficiently, nor had anyone known such knowledge besides me, so how did such an incredible incident happen?
Only then Ekalav was holding the arrow command in his hand. Seeing this, Gurudev went to the square too. Acharya asked Eklavya. Son, how did you do all this, then Ekalavya said.
Gurudev, I have made an idol of you here, and after doing Vandana every day, I practice standing in front of it. And due to this practice, I am able to hold a bow in front of you today.
Gurudev said you are blessed. Your practice has made you such a great archer. Today I understood that practice is the greatest guru.
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