
Essay on Unemployment 500 Words | Download PDF

Essay on Unemployment

Essay on Unemployment 500 + Words (Download PDF) – Unemployment is a major problem not only in India but for the whole world. It has many side effects, for which it is very important to find a solution. Today, through this essay, we will know that what is the main reason for unemployment and what are the ways to reduce it, so let’s start – Essay on Unemployment in English


India is a vast country. It is the second continent in the world in terms of population. This country is very rich in nature. Everything in the world is born here. Rivers and mountains are helpful in making this country green. There is a beach located near us for sea trade.

Nature has given prosperity to this country in all respects, but still, this country is one of the poor countries in the world. Poverty reigns everywhere because the citizens of this country do not have proper means of livelihood. Unemployment is widespread here. Unemployment remains a serious problem in India.

Industrialization due to unemployment

One man can do the work of 100 men in factories with machines, as a result, unemployment has started increasing. Unemployment has been increasing since then. Even today the cottage industry is negligible. The industrial policies of the government are old, due to which youth are becoming unemployed day by day. There is a need to improve these policies. So that new avenues of employment can be made available.

Faulty education system

The traditional education system is prevalent here since ancient times. After getting the stairs of Primary, Middle, High School, Inter, BA, MA, today’s youth finally reaches the destination of unemployment. Here he finds only unrest, despair, and frustration. Our education does not have the capacity to provide employment. The youth get educated but are deprived of the art of getting employment.

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Due to population growth

Due to overpopulation, unemployment starts increasing in society. The means of livelihood are limited and the recipients of it are unlimited. Therefore, only a limited number of people will get employment. The rest become victims of unemployment. Apart from this, due to corruption, partiality, nepotism, etc. prevalent in the government, the common man has to become a victim of unemployment. Ministers, leaders, and officers provide employment for their relatives and loved ones, and in their hands are our reins and the pen of fate.

Consequences of unemployment

Due to a lack of employment opportunities, today’s youth turn towards the wrong education. Crimes like theft, dacoity, fraud, and even murder in society flourish due to unemployment which becomes a problem for the government and society. Almost all incidents of such crimes are due to unemployment.

Due to unemployment, skilled and educated youth migrate to other places to find suitable employment, and due to unemployment in the villages, the youth of the village is leaving the village and running towards the city. Due to this, the improvement stops due to the lack of qualified and skilled people in the village.

Many scientists from different fields are running to foreign countries due to a lack of good employment in the country. Today, Indian scientists and doctors are found working in almost all countries of Europe, who have now got citizenship there.

In America, 20% of the total scientists and doctors there are Indian scientists and doctors who have become American citizens. Similarly, other countries are also getting the migration of qualified and skilled citizens of India.

Ways to eliminate unemployment

Some serious problems of unemployment should be solved as soon as possible otherwise this problem is becoming dire day by day. Therefore it is imperative to stop this rising unemployment. Handicrafts should be encouraged by encouraging the cottage industries of the country so that every person can get employment according to his ability.

The migration of people from the village will stop due to the construction of cottage industries. Production should be increased in every sector, for that self-employment opportunities will be available. The government should pay more attention to the village rather than the city.

There should be radical changes in the modern education system. Children should be given employment and education to stand on their own feet from the school itself. Only education should be given in schools which can be useful in practical life.

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Scientists, doctors, and other skilled people in the country should be encouraged in their own country. Employment opportunities should be provided to them according to their qualifications. Reservation should not be given a place in every area. Political leaders and officials should not adopt partisan policies. The government should make an equitable distribution of wealth, because, due to wrong policies most of the wealth reaches a few individuals.


People should also not only search for jobs and employment but should also increase production in any way by paying attention to their new development works. One should not depend on others. Get your work done on your own. Don’t be tempted to live a comfortable life. Make your life so hard that any difficulty can be easily faced at any time.

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Q&A. on Unemployment

Who is considered unemployed?

Answer – If people do not have a job, then such people are classified as unemployed, and if actively looking for work in the last 4 weeks and are currently looking for work.

Who does not count as unemployed?

Answer – The unemployment rate measures those workers who currently have no work or jobs but are actively looking for work. Such people are not included in this unemployed who have not looked for work in the last four weeks.

What are the consequences of unemployment?

Answer – When the unemployment rate is high, there is a negative impact on economic growth. This redistribution creates pressures and distortions, unemployment wastes resources and increases poverty, limiting labor mobility.

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