
Essay on Elephant 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words | PDF

Essay & Paragraph on Elephant

Short and Long Essay (Paragraph) on Elephant – Have you ever wondered why we are so obsessed with elephants? And why are they so widely used in public entertainment events? After a while, you will understand why this is so. But first, let’s start with a little history lesson by short and long elephant essay in 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 words.

Short & Long Essay on Elephant

Essay 100 – 150 Words Class 1, 2, 3, 4

Elephants are very large animals with long trunks and large ears that flap. They are also very gentle and clever animals who love to play in the mud and take long baths in the water.

Elephants are herbivores meaning they eat plants such as leaves, fruits, and grass. They use their long trunk to pick up food and drink water. Their trunk is also used for communication, trumpeting, and for making sounds to communicate with other elephants.

They are very social animals that live in groups called herds. They take care of each other and help to save the children. Elephants also have a good memory which can remember other elephants they have met before.

Protecting elephants is important because their habitat is being destroyed and they are being hunted for their tusks. We need to work together to ensure that elephants can live safely in their natural habitats.

Essay 200 – 250 Words Class 5, 6, 7

The elephant is a very amazing creature. They are the largest creatures on earth reaching up to 5 meters in height can extend their trunk up to 3 meters and can weigh up to 12000 kg.

An elephant is one of the most recognizable creatures in the world. It is more than just a symbol it is an animal that has been a part of our lives for centuries. The history of elephants is part of the history of human cultures and civilizations around the planet. One of the reasons elephants are so important to us is that they are not only large land animals but they can also travel long distances with ease.

The elephant is the largest living land mammal. Can you imagine how big it is? It is estimated that an adult elephant weighs about 10 tons or about 20,000 pounds which is a lot of weight for an animal.

Many people love elephants for their nature and intelligence but still, there are some people who hate them. Some people think that elephants have very big noses and very big ears.

Of course, no matter how big someone appears. They are just as important to the Earth and all its inhabitants as you are but they do not have the same rights to protection as humans.

Essay – 300 Words Class 9, 8, 10


The elephant is one of the most fascinating and majestic creatures on earth. Here are three points in this essay about elephants that make them such unique and awe-inspiring animals.

Unbelievable Size

Elephants are known for their incredible size. The African elephant is the largest land animal on Earth with adult males weighing up to 14,000 pounds and standing over 10 feet tall. The smaller Asian elephant still can weigh up to 11,000 pounds and stand up to 9 feet tall. Despite their enormous size elephants are remarkably agile and can run up to 25 miles per hour.

Incredibly Intelligent

Elephants are incredibly intelligent animals. They have a brain that is larger than any other land animal and they display remarkable problem-solving abilities. They have been known to use tools such as branches or rocks to complete tasks and have demonstrated the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors a sign of self-awareness. Apart from this, they are also social animals that display a wide range of emotions including grief, happiness, and even empathy.

Important Role In The Ecosystem

Elephants play an important role in their ecosystem. As herbivores, they can consume large amounts of vegetation that helps maintain the balance of plant species in their habitats. They also have a unique ability to shape their environment as they can cut down trees and carve new paths through dense vegetation. It not only benefits other animals but also creates new opportunities for plant growth.


The elephant is a remarkable and inspiring animal that deserves our protection and admiration. Their intelligence, size, ecological importance, and threatened status make them one of the most fascinating animals on Earth. As we continue to learn about elephants and the important role they play in our world. For this, we must work together to ensure they are preserved for future generations.

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