
Essay on Destiny or Fate 1000 Words | PDF

Essay on Destiny or Fate

Essay on Destiny or Fate (Download PDF) – Through this essay, we will know how to write a good essay on Destiny or Fate, so let’s start.

Believing in fate or not may be personal but I personally feel that it is what God has predestined for you at the time of your birth. It is said that no one can change your luck. Whatever has to happen will happen. Whether good or bad, you have to go through it.

However, this choice is yours. That you think of things positively or negatively. You can accept it happily or with sadness. It is better to have a happy and positive attitude in bad times because nothing lasts forever and that too changes. So it is also good for bad times.

When you go through bad times, God sees man in bad times. He teaches you tolerance and a lot of patience. Some people agree that no matter what you try, luck can never be changed. Life is full of ups and downs, sorrows, and happiness and they are pre-determined. Our choices predict our future but destiny has to control. let’s know about the Essay on destiny or fate.

What is Destiny?

Luck is not in the control of a person. Only hard work is in your control and even after a lot of hard work, you are not successful. What would you call it then? You work harder and still get the same result. So, there is someone out there who has complete control over your life which we call destiny.


Man has free will. The most prevalent these days seems to be the one who says that there is no such thing as destiny. This ideology says that all our successes, failures, and actions are governed by the decisions we make.

If we make the right decisions and act according to what we want, no one can stop us from achieving that, but if we fail, there must be something wrong on our part. We are free and we have the option to take our own free will. In this subject, fate is considered the worst superstition. It can be considered a psychological defense mechanism to deal with failures in life.

We are never ready to believe that we are responsible for failure. Whenever we fail in some endeavor or whenever something happens which is not according to our wish, we say, it was our misfortune that led to the failure. It is up to you to believe whether things are wrong or right.

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Some people think pessimistically. Because they feel that luck is not on their side but I often feel and believe that with hard work and perseverance, we can shape our destiny as per our choice.

When we do not succeed even after working hard, then we lose faith in these values ​​and we feel that there is something else for us in fate and we consider all the fault of luck. We feel that no matter how hard we work and persevere, fate controls us and our future. And we are bound before fate.

When we work hard to achieve our goal, yet we are not successful, we feel that fate does not want us to do what we wanted to do. We could not become what we wanted to be. Taking all the blame as destiny’s, we become monotonous and stop trying.


Everyone believes in their fate. You do too, but have you ever trusted your luck? You have worked hard along with your luck. Only he knows the answer to this question because only people succeed in doing many things on the basis of luck.

Our thinking should always be positive. Whether we get success or failure. Don’t deviate from your path because only conviction leads you to success. Some people constantly try to achieve their goals but do not get success.

When we want to do or become something but due to some reason we are not able to achieve our goal, we do something which we never imagined. Whoever we want to be, but we know to become something else in our life, which is better than our thinking, then we start thinking positively towards our destiny and start expecting more from our luck in our life.


We should always plan well because poor planning can be due to a lack of effort in the right direction or outright failure to assess the realities of our goal correctly. It always hurts to admit that we were wrong and take shelter behind the concept of fate.

We blame luck in the absence of good planning because it relieves you of the dreadful pain of knowing and accepting defeat. Is fate under our own control? This is indeed a moot question. For example, where there is a will, there is a way, but how practical is it in today’s context? Hard work and dedication are the two keys to success. With this, we can make our own destiny. But hard work and dedication should be planned then only your luck will be with you.

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Many people blindly rely on luck, which is a sign of a weak-minded person. They all want to escape from their responsibilities. Strong people always face every storm of fate, no matter what, they will not accept failure to achieve their goals. He will fight for what he wants for himself.

A person never depends on luck to get success. Believes in himself and the values ​​of hard work and perseverance. Despite hard work, if you did not get success or could not achieve your cherished goal, then you should not settle for anything cheap,

One has to fight till the last breath to become a fighter and fulfill his dreams. It is a world of cut-throat and ruthless competition. Remember, there is no place in this world for those who run away from responsibilities because “Winners never give up and those who give up never win. So be responsible and don’t rely on luck.”

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FAQs. on Destiny or Fate

What is destiny in life?

Answer- Destiny can be defined as your future or a pre-determined path of your life. Having a definite sequence of events, or the sudden occurrence of something good or bad in life, is done in the form of determining the future. Whether it is in general or by a particular person.

Can we believe in fate?

Answer – The question of fate is full of imagination. Almost everyone wants to believe in this concept. It gives us a reason to move forward and inspires us as to how our life will be. We will do in our life what is better for us. According to religion, luck has a purpose and plan for our life.

Is destiny fixed?

Answer – Some aspects of it are fixed, but as we move forward in our life. It becomes more clear what will be helpful for our future. But, spiritually everything that happens in our daily life is not a result of luck but of our own actions. Only our actions can affect our destiny.

We hope so you may have liked this Essay on Destiny or Fate.

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