10 Line Essay

10 Lines on Gautam Buddha in English for Kids & Students

10 Lines on Gautam Buddha

10 Lines on Gautam Buddha: Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher who lived in ancient India around 500 BCE. He was born into a royal family but left his privileged life to seek knowledge and understand human suffering.

Through meditation and penance, he attained enlightenment and became known as the Buddha. He taught the Four Truths and the Eightfold Path as the way to end suffering and attain peace and happiness.

His teachings, including compassion, wisdom, and nonviolence, have had a lasting impact and continue to inspire people around the world. Let us know 10 lines on Gautam Buddha.

Set (1) 10 Lines on Gautam Buddha

1. Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism and lived in ancient India.

2. He was born as a prince in Lumbini, Nepal.

3. Gautam Buddha’s father’s name was King Suddhodana and his mother’s name was Queen Maya.

4. He attained enlightenment after six years of meditation and became known as the Buddha, which means “the awakened one.”

5. He taught that the path to enlightenment consisted of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

6. The Four Noble Truths say that suffering exists, that suffering arises from craving and attachment, that suffering can be overcome, and that the path to the end of suffering is the Eightfold Path.

7. The Eightfold Path is a set of guidelines for moral and mental development that leads to the end of suffering.

8. Buddhism spread throughout India and abroad, becoming one of the world’s largest religions.

9. The Buddha’s teachings have been passed down in various scriptures, the most famous of which is the Pali Canon.

10. At the age of 80 Buddha died and his instructions continue to influence millions of people around the world.


Set (2) 10 Lines on Gautam Buddha

1. Gautam Buddha was born into a royal family in Lumbini, Nepal in 623 BC.

2. He was a prince who gave up his luxurious life to seek knowledge and understand the suffering of humanity.

3. He attained enlightenment after practicing penance and meditation and came to be known as the Buddha or “enlightened one”.

4. Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path to end suffering.

5. At the age of 29, he gave up his life as a prince to attain enlightenment.

6. Buddhism spread rapidly across India and became a major world religion with followers in many countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, and China.

7. Buddha’s teachings emphasize compassion, nonviolence, wisdom, and morality.

8. Buddhists celebrate important events in the life of the Buddha such as his birth, enlightenment, and death through rituals such as Vesak.

9. The Tripitaka, a collection of Buddhist scriptures, contains the teachings of the Buddha.

10. The legacy of Buddha inspires people to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life based on non-violence, wisdom, and compassion.


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Q&A. on Gautam Buddha

What is Gautam Buddha famous for?

Answer – Gautama Buddha is regarded as the founder of Buddhism, and is revered by all Buddhist schools as a savior and an enlightened one.

What are the five principles of Gautam Buddha?

Answer – The five principles of Gautam Buddha are as follows –

  • Wrong speech should be avoided.
  • Refrain from taking life. No killing of any living being.
  • Stay away from mind-altering drugs.
  • Misuse of senses should be avoided. Not having too much sensual pleasure.
  • Refrain from taking what is not given. Don’t steal from anyone.

What was the greatest achievement of Buddha?

Answer – The Path of Knowledge After eating, drinking, and bathing, he realized that inner liberation is not through rigid physical constraints. Since then Buddha has inspired people to lead a balanced life instead of extremism. This path was later called the middle path.

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