10 Line Essay

10 Lines on Fire in English for Kids and Students

10 Lines on Fire

10 Lines on Fire: Fire is a bright light that makes things hot. It needs something to burn, something hot, and air to live. People who stop fire use water and special things to put it out. Fire can be harmful to things and people, so it is better to be careful always and know what needs to do if there is a fire. Things that make noise can tell you if there is a fire. To stop the fire from happening, keep things that can burn away from things that are hot. Here are 10 sentences on fire for different classes.

Set (1) 10 Lines on Fire For Class 1, 2, 3, 4

1. Fire is a bright light that makes things hot.

2. Fire needs something to burn, something hot, and air to live.

3. You can make fire with a small stick, a small light, or the big light in the sky.

4. Fire can move fast, so we always need to be careful.

5. People who stop fire use water and special things to put it out.

6. If there is a fire in your home or school then you should go out and ask for help.

7. Things that make noise can tell you if there is a fire in your home.

8. You should always know what to do if there is fire.

9. Keep things that can burn away from things that are hot to stop the fire from happening.

10. Fire can be helpful for us, but it can be harmful for us, so we always need to be careful with it.


Set (2) 10 Lines on Fire For Class 5, 6, 7

1. Fire is when something changes and gives off heat, light, and smoke.

2. Fire needs three things to live: something to burn, something hot, and air.

3. A small spark, a small light, electricity, or rubbing can cause a fire.

4. Fire can move fast, which makes it dangerous.

5. People who stop fire use water, foam, and special things to put it out.

6. It is important to be careful with fire and not play with small lights or small candles.

7. If there is fire in your home, it is important to leave right away and call the people who stop the fire.

8. Things that make noise can help tell you if there is a fire in your home.

9. Always you should have a plan for what to do in case of fire.

10. It is important to keep things that can burn away from things that are hot such as stoves and candles to prevent fires.


Set (3) 10 Lines on Fire For Class 8, 9, 10

1. Fire is when something changes quickly and releases heat and light.

2. It gives off more energy than it takes in as heat and light.

3. Fire needs three things to live: something hot, something to burn, and air. If any one of these things is gone, the fire will die.

4. Fire moves fast, making it both a useful tool and a dangerous hazard.

5. Fire can be caused by a spark or flame, rubbing, electrical energy, or other changes.

6. How harmful a fire is depends on what it burns, how hot it is, and how much air it has.

7. People who stop fire use different tools and ways, including water, foam, and dry things, to control and put out a fire.

8. Fire can hurt or kill people or animals, as well as damage things.

9. It is important to take steps to prevent fires, such as not leaving things that can burn near open flames and having working things that make noise if there is a fire.

10. Always it is important to get out of the building right away and call for help in case of fire.

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