Essay On My Mother 500 Words PDF
Essay On My Mother
Essay On My Mother 500 + Words (Download PDF) | Through this essay, we will know how to write a good essay about my mother then let’s start.
There is no definition of the word mother, this word is complete in itself. Mother’s place in this world comes even before God because every human being gets introduced to this world only through his mother.
The mother who gives birth to a child is given the status of God after unbearable physical suffering. God has created the entire creation through the Mother. When a child grows up and starts speaking, his first word is “mother”, that is, the mother is everything for an infant.

My Mother
The mother is always happy to see her children, if the children feel even a little sad, then the mother gets distracted. The mother loves the most loving caress in the world only with her child.
My mother is an educated woman. She teaches at a well-known school in the city. Despite this, she carries out household responsibilities well. And we also take good care of all family members. She skillfully balances her home and work, Due to which she is able to play both of them very well.
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Mother is another form of God in the world, who takes our grief, gives us love, and makes us good people. It is believed that God cannot live in every place, so god has created the mother, there are some important moments with the mother that can be described. In our scriptures, the mother is considered revered as a goddess.
The mother remains silent even after suffering unbearable trouble, but if the child gets a little hurt, she becomes very sad and upset. The child’s sorrow is not seen by the mother. God has created the mother to overcome the sorrows of children and provide them with love and protection.
Importance of Mother
Mother is very important in society and family. When we are born, grow up, and start walking, then start speaking, drinking food, or moving on to study, these things start from mother in every situation, even if we learn to walk. Yes, the mother only teaches us to run, even if we feel hungry, she first feeds her milk, and feeds us with love with her hands.
A mother loves her child without any greed, life cannot be expected even without a mother. If there was no mother, we would not even exist. A mother is a precious person in everyone’s life. Happiness, small or big, the mother takes part in it because our happiness matters more to the mother.
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A mother’s whole day is spent meeting the needs of her children, which cannot be said in words. And in return, only love wants from the child. She does not ask the children for anything back. A mother takes care of every small and big need of the child without any benefit.
Celebration of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is celebrated in memory of Mother Teresa and who was the goddess of endearment. She was considered another form of God, so Mother’s Day is celebrated every year in her honor.
In India, Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May, so that children can appreciate their mother and forget about all other work one day by spending time with their mother.
It is very difficult to tie a mother’s love on any one day but still, Mother’s Day is celebrated so that the child can give the love and respect she deserves for. This day is specially celebrated to symbolize the importance of the mother and her sacrifice.
Mother’s Requirement
Mother’s blessing stays with us wherever we are. Living without our Mother’s blessings is beyond our imagination. In the morning she raises the child with great love and during the night she narrates stories to the child with great love.
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A mother helps their child to get ready for school and also makes morning breakfast and lunch for the child. The mother stands at the door, waiting for the child to come from school in the afternoon. The mother helps to get the child’s homework done.
But at the same time, they also follow their rites and their customs very strongly. All the festivals are celebrated in our house with full custom. My mother is very happy to welcome every visitor to the house.
Conclusion –
Through my mother’s essay – On hearing the mother’s word, our mind becomes cheerful, in today’s life, humans give more priority to their other problems or happiness and because of other things, they ignore their mother. You can be anywhere in your happiness and sorrows but do not forget your mother nor leave her alone. My mother is truly the most beautiful and best mother in the world.
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FAQs. on My Mother
What is the importance of a mother in your life?
It is a very old saying that God cannot be everywhere, so he created a mother who loves her children selflessly in every happiness and sorrow. The importance of a mother cannot be told in words. It is a matter of understanding,
How should the mother be from your point of view?
Ans – Mother is not something to be imagined. She is the idol of endearment, whatever the mother is, she is the most special in the eyes of her children which cannot be threaded in words.