
Short & Long Essay on AIDs in 100, 250, and 500 Words

Essay on AIDs

The essay on AIDS (HIV) is written in simple English and has easy words for children and students. This (Essay on AIDS or HIV) English essay mentions AIDS, how it originated, and why we should know about it. Students are often asked to write an essay on AIDS in their schools and colleges. And if you are also looking for the same, then we have given an essay on AIDS in 100 – words, 250 – words, and 500 – words.

Short & Long Essay on AIDs

Essay – 100 Words

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, also known as AIDS, is a fatal and fatal disease. Caused by AIDS (HIV) or human immunodeficiency virus. It is one of the deadliest diseases of the 20th century that attacks the immune system of the human body. AIDS has spread like wildfire around the world and has so far caused the death of more than twenty-nine million people all over the world.

Awareness about AIDS has been spread among the people by the government and non-governmental organizations. It is not only a disease but is seen as a stigma and discrimination in the society. We need to instill in them the belief that HIV-positive people can live healthy and long lives.

Essay – 250 Words


AIDS which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is not a congenital disease. It means an immune system deficiency acquired during a person’s lifetime. The disease has spread throughout the world, killing more than 29 million people.

Due to coming in contact with this, the immunity of the patient becomes so low and he becomes unable to protect himself from these infections. A widely used diagnostic test for AIDS is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Reason for Spread of AIDS

AIDS is caused by the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV). Transmission of HIV infection generally occurs in the following ways:-

(a) By coming into sexual contact with an infected person,

(b) by transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products,

(c) by sharing infected needles, and

(d) From an infected mother to her child through the placenta.

Therefore, people who are at higher risk of contracting this infection include those who are drug addicts, those who have multiple sexual partners, or those who require frequent blood transfusions.

AIDs Treatment

There is no cure for AIDS in the world, so prevention is the best option. HIV infection often spreads due to a lack of information. Government and other organizations are running awareness campaigns and other programs for its prevention and information.


AIDS is a disease which has no treatment and cannot be cured but it can be prevented only through awareness. Others should also be encouraged and educated to prevent it.

Essay – 500 Words


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a widespread and fatal disease caused by HIV or human immunodeficiency virus. There is no cure for it in the world yet, although there are medicines to slow down the virus. AIDS is seen as a stigma in society which ensures that there is still a lack of information among the people in the society.

Origin and History of AIDS

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) first originated in non-human primates in West and Central Africa. The most serious type of the virus, called HIV-1, was discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1920. It was causing many deaths in the United States in the 1970s, so in 1981 the US Centers for Disease Control officially recognized AIDS infection when found in a woman.

How is AIDS (HIV) Spread?

The HIV virus can spread from one infected person to another in several ways as given below.

1. Unsafe blood transfusion

There is a risk of spreading the HIV virus when a doctor or hospital transmits blood from one person to another without properly testing the blood. Any blood must be tested for the presence of HIV and other viruses before it is transfused.

2. Unprotected sex

The HIV virus can spread from one infected person to another healthy person when they exchange sexual fluids during unprotected sex.

3. Sharing unsafe needles

The virus can also be spread by sharing infected needles. The use of such contaminated needles can lead not only to HIV infection but also to other high-risk infections such as hepatitis and septicemia.

4. During pregnancy/childbirth or breastfeeding

An infected woman can also pass the virus to her baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. However, if the woman receives proper treatment during pregnancy, the risk of infection is reduced to a great extent.

AIDS (HIV) Treatment

At present no country has any cure for AIDS or HIV. HIV is a retrovirus that replicates by replacing the host cell’s DNA with copies of its own DNA, so the best way to stop it from spreading is ART or antiretroviral therapy which stops the virus from replicating and slows its progression. Gives or withholds. It is best to start treatment at an early stage as soon as the infection is detected so that there is less damage to the immune system. Its treatment can then be combined with those preventive medicines.


AIDS (HIV) is a deadly disease that spreads slowly. So awareness is really the key to stopping the spread of AIDS. Although this infection is now under control, it has not been completely eradicated. We can prevent it by making more and more people aware of it.

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