
Essay on Computer 500 + Words

Essay on Computer

Essay on computer – a computer is a machine that plays a very important role in today’s world. Using it is very important for everyone in today’s time. Because today all work has become easy through the computer, let us know what and how it is used and how it works and what are its parts.

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that receives instructions from the user and, using a specified program gives numerical data or other information to the user.

It works on the instructions given i.e. on the stored program concept.

What is the history of computers?

The first attempt at computer development was made by Charles Babbage in the 19th century. That’s why he is called the father of computers. World’s first computer mark. It was developed in the year 1944 at Howard University. Siddhartha is the first computer manufactured in India.

In the year 1945, Dr. von Neumann gave the right direction to the computer revolution, he used the binary system for the work of the computer. The keyboard, designed by Newman, was based on a central processor unit. It had input, output, memory, arithmetic and logic units, and control units.

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) became the world’s first fully electronic digital computer in 1946.

This first-generation computer was based on vacuum tube technology, but today computers are based on binary systems.

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What is the function of a computer?

There are many functions of the computer, but mainly four types of work of the computer have been mastered.

1. Collection and Input of Data

2. Storage of Data

3. Data Processing

4. Retrieval of data/information

What is a computer part?

Input device

This device is used to communicate data, facts, and instructions inside the computer, which is done through many mediums. Such as – a keyboard, optical character reader, light pen, scanner, mark reader, magnetic ink character reader, etc.

Output device

The results processed by the computer are displayed or received through these devices, such as – video display units, printers, etc.


The most important part of the computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), which operates the entire computer system using instructions. It is called the heart or brain of the computer and the CPU is divided into three parts.


Arithmetic Logic Unit It is a unit for performing arithmetic and logical operations of the computer. The arithmetic function is used to compare numbers and includes “less” and “equal”, “greater”.

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Control unit

It does the work of using the instructions correctly and controlling them.


This material (data) is used to conduct the program. The entire memory collection is divided into two parts.

Primary Unit – It is the memory store of the computer where information is stored. There are two clear forms of this memory.

ROM – This is a permanent memory, which is established at the time of manufacture of the computer. The data contained in it can be read-only, hence it is called read-only memory.

REM – This is a mutable memory store. It is an important part of the main memory of the computer. All the data transmitted to the computer is directly stored in RAM.

Secondary Memory – It is used to store information permanently. Based on different types of storage methods, these are mainly the following – hard disk, floppy disk, CD, DVD, etc.


It means to interconnect different computers, which are connected to the server and each computer has its own processor. Talking about the advantages of networking, it has many advantages like – as data exchange, transfer of files is possible without floppies, medical, data security, less memory usage, common hardware, and software resources.

There are mainly three types of networks in networking.

LAN – Local Area Network

MAN– Metropolitan Area (Metropolitan Area Network)

WAN – Wide Area Network


The lifeline of information technology “The Internet” is such a network of computers connected with each other with the help of telephone lines established in different places of the world, which provides world-class data-information service for receiving and providing information.

There are a set of established rules for the exchange of information through the Internet, which are called Internet Protocols.

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Biological computer

The first biological computer was developed under the leadership of Ehud Schoprio, a scientist at the Weizmann Institute and Science in Israel. In which both the input and output are alive. These Nano computers using DNA are powered by living systems. It uses a DNA chip. And it gets energy through organic molecules. This computer is capable of giving information about the growing diseases of the body only with the help of cytoplasm.


In today’s era, the dependence on computer technology is increasing rapidly. In today’s time, no person can imagine his life without a computer.

Computers have spread their feet everywhere and we have all become accustomed to them. It has also become an important part of every student. He can use it for work-related tasks, exam preparation, etc. in very little time.

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