
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Covid 19 Essay With Effects

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Covid 19 Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Covid 19 Essay | Coronavirus effectsThe process of lockdown was adopted throughout the world due to coronavirus (covid 19). Lockdown was also imposed in India. Due to the lockdown, people stayed in their homes and were allowed to go out only for very important work. Due to lockdown, some such benefits have also been seen during this period, which would not have been seen if the lockdown had not happened.

There have been many positive and negative changes due to lockdown from environment and wildlife to geographical level. If we talk about it, it has seen some positive effects, which is impossible to imagine, let us know some of its effects which have occurred from wildlife to humans.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Covid 19 Essay

Advantage of covid 19 (Lockdown)

Beneficial for wildlife

When humans were forced to live in their homes, then such wildlife was very relaxed who lived in fear and lurk. In many parts of the world, such scenes have been seen where wildlife came out on the streets. Due to living in the houses of humans, wildlife got freedom. And they started wandering on unpaved roads. There are some animals that are of rare species.

In many parts of the world, deer and elephant animals have also appeared on the streets. Due to urbanization, real forests are rapidly changing into concrete forests, and as a result, wildlife has found it difficult to find a place for themselves. Today when humans are forced to live in their homes due to covid 19, then these animals are feeling free.

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Effect on pollution

Covid 19 led to a nationwide lockdown and factories had to be closed, resulting in a sudden drop in air pollution and water across the country. Today, not only in India but in all parts of the world, the air has become very clean, which was probably never possible before.

Air pollution has been reduced by 80 to 90% due to lockdown. These include many cities where there was a lot of pollution in Delhi NCR. The same has now seen a drastic drop in pollution levels in Delhi NCR.

There was also a decline in air and noise pollution due to heavy vehicles not being allowed to move.

Earth has become healthy

Currently, the impact of the huge reduction in pollution during the time of covid 19 has been so much that now its effect is also visible on the ozone layer. In an article published in the journal Nature it is stated that if the situation continues like this, the ozone layer may soon be in the same state as before.

According to the scientists of the world, it has benefited a lot. Due to air pollution which damages the environment, if this pollution is reduced then the damage to the ozone layer will be reduced.

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Beautiful effect on tourist destination

Before Coronavirus, the tourist place used to be full of people. But now people are not going there, then the condition of the tourist place is improving. After the lockdown, the water of Ganga and Yamuna has also seen a lot of improvement.

The Ganges and Yamuna and other tributaries used to pour contaminated water from factories on a large scale, but now the condition of these rivers has seen a lot of improvement.

Disadvantage of covid 19 (Lockdown)

Rise in unemployment

During this epidemic, large offices, workers have suffered due to the closure of the factory. The stove stopped burning in the houses of the laborers who used to live on daily wages. In the colony, people had to sleep hungry.

The poor people had the biggest impact of the lockdown, they did not even have the money to return home. There is also a huge loss to the business of almost all the countries. They are suffering terrible losses due to the closure of big factories. The rest of the businessmen are also suffering a lot in this situation.

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Death of people

Due to this epidemic, people around the world lost some of the other members of their families.

Lakhs of people have died all over the world. And even now, this epidemic has not been fully treated, doctors and scientists are engaged in the process of continuous treatment. Some countries have medicines that they have found a cure for it.

Mental stress

During covid 19 in India, people may have mental problems while living at home. This is causing a lot of problems for young children, as they are unable to play outside or go to school. Many people can also be a victim of depression. One way to avoid all this is to keep yourself busy in maximum work so that all these thoughts do not get into your brains.


If nature does something then it has both positive and negative effects. We need that we change ourselves with time, if some government has made policy due to this epidemic, then we should follow those policies. So that there is minimal damage to us and the environment.

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