
Essay on Can corruption be eliminated from our society? (10 Lines)


Corruption is a deep problem of society, which affects morality, administration and economic development. It affects every section of the society and hinders good governance. Due to corruption, people lose faith in the administration and justice system.

Essay on Can corruption be eliminated from our society? (10 Lines)

Measures to eliminate corruption

1. Strict laws and their strict adherence are necessary to eliminate corruption.

2. Transparency and accountability should be there in the administrative system.

3. Digital technology and e-governance should be promoted.

4. Ethics and honesty should be incorporated in the education system.

5. Right to Information (RTI) should be implemented effectively.

6. Judiciary should be kept independent and impartial.

7. Media should remain impartial and expose corruption.

8. There should be regular investigation of the assets of government officials.

9. Citizens should become aware and raise their voice against corruption.

10. If everyone follows honesty and ethics, corruption can be eliminated to a great extent.

Essay on Can corruption be eradicated from our society?


Corruption is a serious challenge for the society, which affects morality, administration and economic development. This problem is not limited to any one country but exists in some form or the other all over the world. Corruption causes the general public to lose faith in the administrative system and leads to improper use of resources. It affects the poor and the deprived more and promotes social inequality.

To eliminate corruption, strict laws, transparent administration and moral education are needed. Also, active participation of citizens also plays an important role in this. If everyone follows honesty and accountability, it can be controlled. In this essay, we will discuss in detail the causes, effects of corruption and measures to eliminate it.

Causes of Corruption

Corruption has deep roots and there are many reasons for it:

1. Lack of moral values ​​- When the level of morality and honesty starts falling in the society, corruption gets promoted.

2. Centralization of excessive power – When power and authority are limited to a few individuals, the possibility of misuse by them increases.

3. Complexity of legal processes – Complex and slow legal processes force people to resort to corruption.

4. Weakness of judicial system – When the judiciary is not impartial and effective, corruption gets a free hand.

5. Economic inequality – When the gap between the rich and the poor increases in the society, the poor people are forced to give bribes to get their work done.

6. Lack of political will – If the government and administration are not determined to eradicate corruption, then this problem persists.

Bad effects of corruption

Corruption does not benefit only a few individuals, but it is harmful for the entire society. Its main bad effects are as follows:

1. Obstacle in economic development – Due to corruption, government policies are not implemented effectively and development plans remain incomplete.

2. Social inequality – This makes the rich richer while the poor become poorer.

3. Public losing faith in administration – When people see that laws are not being followed and bribery is increasing, they lose faith in the government system.

4. Impact on education and health services – Due to corruption, the quality in the education and health sector falls, which hinders the overall progress of the country.

5. Decline in moral values ​​- When people see that corrupt people are succeeding easily, they also start thinking of adopting the same path.

Measures to end corruption

It is difficult to end corruption, but it is not impossible. Many effective measures can be taken for this:

1. Strict laws and their effective implementation – Strict laws should be made to prevent corruption and they should also be strictly followed. Those who are found involved in corruption should be punished.

2. Promoting education and moral values ​​- It is necessary to incorporate morality and honesty in the education system so that children can develop an understanding of right and wrong from childhood.

3. Use of digital technology – E-governance, online payment systems and transparent processes can help prevent corruption.

4. Effective use of Right to Information (RTI) – Right to Information provides citizens an opportunity to bring transparency in administration. This allows people to monitor government work.

5. Independent judiciary and media – If the judiciary is independent and effective, then those who commit corruption will be punished and if the media is unbiased, it will be able to expose corruption.

6. Social awareness – It is necessary to make people understand how harmful corruption is for society and how they can fight against it.

7. Transparency of property – There should be regular investigation of the property of government officials and leaders so that corruption can be detected.

8. Participation of citizens – When common people stand against corruption, it will be easy to control it.


It may be difficult to completely eliminate corruption, but it can be controlled. For this, the government, society and citizens will have to come together and make efforts. Corruption can be reduced to a great extent through strict laws, transparent administration, moral education and technological development. If everyone shows honesty and responsibility at their level, then it is possible to make the society corruption free.

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