10 Line Essay

10 Lines on Unemployment in English for Children and Students

10 Lines on Unemployment

10 Lines on Unemployment in English | The main causes of unemployment are many, the main ones being voluntary unemployment, illiteracy, lack of demand or “cyclical unemployment, structural unemployment, etc. When the unemployment rate is at a high level, there is a negative impact on economic growth. Unemployment limits labor mobility.” It wastes resources, increases poverty, and promotes social unrest and conflict. Many strategies can be adopted to prevent this, such as better preparation of youth for the job market, job creation and labor Boosting demand, promoting entrepreneurship, improving financial well-being, etc.

Set (1) 10 Lines on Unemployment

1. Unemployment is a world-class issue in today’s time, which is very necessary to solve.

2. Unemployment refers to the lack of jobs in a particular region, city, or country.

3. There are many types of unemployment such as open unemployment, seasonal unemployment, disguised unemployment, etc.

4. Due to the increasing population in a vast country like India, the situation of unemployment is arising.

5. Unemployment is also increasing due to the lack of employment opportunities for talented and skilled people.

6. Poverty, lack of proper guidance, or sometimes the influence of political parties is the main cause of unemployment.

7. Unemployment is the biggest obstacle to the development of the country and society.

8. Computers and new machinery devices have replaced humans in industries.

9. Unemployment gives rise to the problem of various crimes like dacoity, and terrorism.

10. Every year the government generates employment opportunities and has started many schemes like employment schemes.

Read also –

Set (2) 10 Lines on Unemployment

1. Unemployment is a curse for the country and the society which slows down the economic growth.

2. Unemployment is a condition in which people do not have employment or means of employment.

3. Rapid increase in population is also one of the major factors of unemployment.

4. Unemployment is mostly uneducated and people living in villages.

5. Unemployment not only affects the individual but also affects the nation and society.

6. Unemployment hinders economic development and increases poverty and disease among people.

7. Due to unemployment, educated youth also indulge in criminal activities.

8. Slow economic growth of a country also leads to unemployment.

9. Slow growth in the industrial sector is also one of the factors responsible for unemployment.

10. Unemployment is a curse that is a challenge for any country to end.

Read also – Long Essay on Unemployment


Q&A. on Unemployment

What are the effects of unemployment?

Answer – When the unemployment rate is at a high level, there is a negative impact on economic growth. Unemployment limits labor mobility and wastes resources increase poverty and promote social unrest and conflict.

What are the main causes of unemployment?

Answer – The main causes of unemployment are many, the main ones being voluntary unemployment, illiteracy, lack of demand or “cyclical unemployment, structural unemployment, etc.

How can we stop unemployment?

Answer – Many strategies can be adopted to prevent this like – preparing the youth better for the job market, boosting job creation and labor demand, promoting entrepreneurship, improving financial well-being, etc.

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