10 Lines on Air Pollution for Kids and Students
10 Lines on Air Pollution
10 Lines on Air Pollution: Air pollution The primary sources of air pollution are fumes from construction and fuel oil, a by-product of electricity generation, and natural gas for heating homes, chemical production, and vehicle emissions.
To prevent this, drive your car less, plant trees, don’t burn your garbage and take care of them, use less energy, etc. Let us see the 10 sentences on air pollution given below for more information.
Set (1) 10 Lines on Air Pollution
1. When the quality of air deteriorates due to harmful pollutants, it is called air pollution.
2. Air pollution is caused by both natural and man-made pollutants.
3. Burning of petroleum and coal is a major cause of air pollution.
4. The smoke coming out of the vehicles on the road also causes air pollution.
5. Cutting trees for construction purposes leads to air pollution due to an increase in gases like carbon dioxide.
6. Global warming is accelerating due to air pollution and the ozone layer has also been eroded.
7. With the increase in air pollution many harmful diseases are affecting humans, animals, plants, and birds.
8. To reduce air pollution, we all should plant more and more trees.
9. Air pollution is a very serious problem, so it is necessary to reduce airborne pollutants.
10. We should be less careless about air pollution. We can plant trees and conserve electricity which can reduce air pollution.
Set (2) 10 Lines on Air Pollution
1. Air pollution has become one of the serious problems of the modern era.
2. Microscopic particles present in polluted air can enter the lungs and cause serious diseases.
3. The most important step to reduce air pollution is to reduce smog emissions and carbon emissions in the air.
4. Planting more and more trees is one of the best ways to reduce the effect of air pollution.
5. Using fewer vehicles and burning less fossil fuels helps in reducing air pollution.
6. We all must wear a mask before going to areas with heavy pollution or dust.
7. The government should limit the smoke coming out of the chimneys of factories and industries.
8. Air pollution also affects climate change due to which the agriculture sector can suffer huge losses.
9. Air is the basis of life which is important for us to make it pure and clean through our activities.
10. According to research, air pollution can cause many diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, etc.
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Q&A. on Air Pollution
What are the main causes of air pollution?
Answer- The by-products of construction and power generation, fuel oil and natural gas for heating homes, vehicle emissions, and fumes from chemical products are the primary sources of air pollution.
What are the effects of air pollution?
Answer – Exposure to high levels of ozone from air pollution can cause cough, sore throat, headache, inflammation, and damage to the lungs. This ozone pollution affects our lungs, due to which it becomes difficult to breathe.
How can we stop air pollution?
Answer – To stop air pollution, drive your car less, don’t burn your garbage, plant trees and take care of them, use less energy, etc.